Archive for the ‘News’ Category
August 15th, 2010 many states, Massachusetts has enacted a law that bans texting while driving, which goes into effect October 1. Many residents have already been practicing to comply with the new law, but it has not been easy. Trying to give up an activity that is almost constant while awake is difficult, especially for young people who have had cell phones for most of their lives. Many are addicted to the constant flow of information provided by their phones. Still, efforts are being made due to the new law in place. Click here to read more.
August 12th, 2010
iSpeech As distracted driving stories hit the national news, more drivers are becoming aware of the risk that activities like texting while driving pose to their health and safety. Even President Obama has banned government employees from texting while driving government vehicles. Many states already have laws against certain activities while driving, and others are in the process of enacting them. Unfortunately, though most drivers (97%) think texting while driving should be illegal, and half think it should carry the same penalties as driving drunk, texting behind the wheel continues to increase.
Culture shift needed to stop mixing cellphones and cars
August 11th, 2010
http://www.ispeech.orgEven the nation’s military branches are joining the fight to combat texting while driving. It is currently prohibited by the Air Force and DOD (Department of Defense) among others. Besides civilian penalties from local law enforcement, service members in violation of these policies are subject to disciplinary action. See article below:
C ommentary: Texting while driving can cost you
August 11th, 2010 many states have or are enacting tougher laws to prevent distracted driving incidents, some states are having pushback on attempts to pass legislation. In Pennsylvania, the Senate made distracted driving for cell phone use a secondary offense for junior license holders, after the House passed it as a primary offense. The city of Erie also reduced cell use violations to a secondary offense. These measures make it harder to penalize distracted drivers, since they can only be cited if there is an accident or other moving violation. Read full story below:
E DITORIAL: Pennsylvania needs to take action on drivers, cell phones
August 10th, 2010
Speech Synthesis In this story, a 16-year-old girl from Texas survives a nearly fatal accident after texting while driving. The story and accompanying photos show how much damage a few seconds of distraction can do, especially for an inexperienced driver. Click here to read story and watch news segment.
August 10th, 2010 While awareness about the danger of texting while driving is increasing, texting while walking can also be deadly. Most injuries are minor, from bumping into other people, but some have walked into traffic and fallen down stairs as a result. “In England, texting-on-the-go injuries have grown to such an extent that officials in London have experimented with padding lampposts to protect multitasking people from smacking into them.” See article below for more information:
Texting Can Be a Deadly Distraction
August 5th, 2010 Minnesota Department of Transportation declared August 5 Distraction Free Driving Day. They detailed several types of distractions to be aware of including cell phones use, adjusting music and other controls, eating, navigation and children, among others. The DOT also classified 4 categories of distraction: visual – looking away from the road, physical – taking hands off the wheel, cognitive – thinking about or focusing on something other than driving, and combination of all of the above. Texting while driving is one of the most dangerous activities because it falls into the last category. Click here for more information.