Why should I upgrade to DriveSafe.ly Pro? / What are the differences between DriveSafe.ly and DriveSafe.ly Pro?
There are several features that are unlocked when you upgrade to Pro.
In DriveSafe.ly you are limited to 25 words read per message, but in DriveSafe.ly Pro you can chose between 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 words read.
DriveSafe.ly reads your messages in a female voice, but in DriveSafe.ly Pro you unlock an additional male voice. You can have your messages always read in a female voice, always read in a male voice, or you can have which voice reads your messages automatically selected depending on the gender of the sender. Note: If a name can be either male or female, i.e. Pat or Sam, DriveSafe.ly will default to female.
In DriveSafe.ly messages can be read at “Normal” speed, but in DriveSafe.ly Pro you can chose between Very Slow, Slower, Slow, Normal, Fast, Faster, and Very Fast.
In DriveSafe.ly you may encounter some commercial branding i.e. the auto responder may always start with “I heard your message read by DriveSafe.ly” before the custom message you type in. DriveSafe.ly Pro will never be commercially branded.